Sunday, September 25, 2011

Florida vs Guatemala

My kids were considering going to Guatemala... now want to go to Florida... both warm and have beaches..right?


but two totally different trips and focuses.

someone posted on lonely planet:

"Be flexible, remember your dream isn't necessarily someone elses"

I am going to have to think about this one a bit :-)

Thank you for coming hear and considering the posts.

I welcome and look forward to hearing your comments.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Lonely Planet....

If you are coming here from the Lonely Planet web forum, here are a couple of additional comments:

As mentioned, I would like to find folks interested in hiking/biking/travelling ... and maybe busing.... through Central America Winter 2011/2012.

For back ground see this post:


5-10 serious people to join me and share travel (bus operating) expenses.


I am offering to buy the bus ($9K) and kit it out wth futons and tables (2sets) if folks come forward to help pay their way and the expenses (fuel, parking, security, and tolls mostly). I have a porta potty, camping hot water heater, and have converted a bus before.  Think camper bus... not coach or motor home...
I have picutures of my other bus on this blog  but unfortunatley did not take a lot of pics on the inside...what worked very well was using the seats in it and using a simple floor plan to provide seating, beds, and places to eat. I used table cups for the tables and they go n fast. I will leave some of the original seats up front, and bolt in futons or if needed bunks to accomodate folks traveling.

As stated, I will bear the cost and risk of the bus breaking down (it has only 40K miles on the rebuilt motor and tranny) and issues associated with it and if needed repairs.


I will be flying my kids down to Guatemala Dec 23-Jan 2.   If busing down, I would need to drive down before and fly back to bring my kids down on December 23. I drove to Honduras and back last year it only took 7 days to get from WA to Honduras.... the trip to Guatemala would be less. I am (reasonably)flexible about picking folks up on the way. 

After my kids fly out I can take quire a bit of time ...until March...?.... to make this happen.

.... I have one primary goal... a picture of my feet, concrete, and the water.... the water of the Panama Canal.

I hope this blog and mesage finds you well.

Blair Collins
Brookings SD

Little Green....

Last night and this morning....I was seeking and wanting a song to commemorate the bus and dream .... hopefuly to help let go....but letting go is difficult for me.... I also thought of a little piece of turquoise left by my lovely.... an echo of gifts given and the love found........ I typed in Joni Mitchell and got a song that seemed  appropriate.....

In looking up turquoise... I found a site that shares some of the attributes given this beautiful stone.... (Turquoise: Symbolic Meanings
)....   blended in the morning on a beautiful day..... the symbologies of love, gems, and buses.... holding on to some ways.... little green. :-)

Turquoise: Symbolic Meanings

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Bus is for Sale!

I spoke to the owner this week and although I hate to see it go.... we agreed it was best to put it up for sale.  I explained my situation to him and discussed my need to face life on life's terms.  I do not have a family of 7 right now and so .... the bus makes no sense.  Pushing my agenda and pushing people in my life has to stop.    He was very gratious and understanding.  Thank you Russ.  :-)

I do however leave the door and this blog open for folks that want to comment. 

I am planning a trip to Central Amerca, probably Guatemala, this winter and will be down there with my kids December 23 to January 2.  After they head back I am going to head south until I take a picture of my feet, concrete, and water.... water being the Panama Canal. 

How I get there and with whom?..... I am very open.  I wanted to do this with my lovely but have to let that go.... and hope that the trip will open up to me in a way that makes sense and has me on the path intended for me. 

I hope that living life on life's terms bring you and me, our dreams... I hope if it does and we meet someday... we will smile and talk about Tortuga Pacifica.... if things come back around.... she will still be waiting.... she is as much an idea... as she is a physical bus in Renton.... that said.... the bus might still be there if it is right for all involved.

I really like the bus and feel there are many adventures to have with her... but it is not a journey I will take alone.  :-) 

Please comment here or contact me directly if you have suggestions, comments, or any other input you feel inspired by... my email address is

Peace to you and yours. 

Changing paths broken plans... roads winding softly, sharp bends - travel inward, searching outward - letting life flow making ammends.... journey onward, reflecting backward...forgiveness, love, healing, peace mends - a new yet familiar trip.... of dreams... lost and recaptured.... transforming life beckons.... decisions facing each person again....

Monday, September 19, 2011

Decisions...... Van and/or Bus???? (one or both?)

Decisions!..... I followed up on the Sportsmobile in NM (low ball offer made).... and found and spoke to a company ,Colorado Camper Vans, that sell sweet pop top installed ($5700)or as a kit ($3700) .... 
Buying this ... would give me a van that hauls my trailer (with stuff) and is a camper too.... for about $10-12K... not $30-39K.... big differnce.... acturally for the money delta..... I can own the bus too... :-)
Thank you for looking  :-)

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Central America..... she waits.

I have been wanting to drive down to Central America and last year I did it!

I have been going through some serious life changes and I want to make the trip at least one more time before I make some other major changes. 

I have a dream of taking a picture of my feet, water, and concrete.... down below is the Panama Canal.

My lovely, ex had a dream once that we were driving back from Guatemala and singing happily on the way.  We had a bus before (see pics in Love Child post) and had a great time in it.  When the bus died this last Spring I put money down on a new one (see post Green bus in the brambles).

Well our paths have parted and now I am faced with a dilema... continue moving forward with the dream and purchase of the bus.... or like my grand old bus, Artemus, .... scrap it.

I am looking for people interested in traveling to Central America and sharing some of the costs.  All participants must pay their way, their share of the fuel, be willing to do service work, and must be clean and sober.   

I have thought about it a bit and a trip like this could have enough spice without people getting into trouble with arguing, fighting, flirting, talking, romancing, etc under the influence of alcohol or drugs.  

This is a must for the safety of everyone.  I have been clean and sober for many years and do not want the drama.   Okay?  I hope so, there will be plenty of great food, laughs, and fun without it. 

What I bring to the table... if the right partners step forward I will buy the bus, tear out the back seats, install futons, tables, seat belts, and get it ready for travel.  The bus will be bare bones but it will be functional (see link to youtube  

Depending on the needs, timelines of others, and resources at the table, we could  drive the bus to Central America and pick people up for their portion of the journey.

I was going to title this Slow Happy Inner Path2Peace  -  SHIPP for short.... but it seemed corny. 

I have named the blog(see whats in a name)..... after the bus... she waits... and I wait for your comments and suggestions.

If the bus does not work.... I may fly down and walk or bike or commuter bus .... all the way.... back.... seriously.


Let me know.

Thank you for your time and consideration :-)


What is.... empty vessel,,, :-)

Here are pictures of the bus:

Facebook invitation.....possibility.......

I posted pictures of the bus I am buying on Facebook..

I recieved serveral comments last night and today. The comments were getting a bit long (me) and seemed to warrant a seperate place.... so I created this blog

It is a bus I put money down on in Renton... I would like to remodel it and have some adventures but am having second thoughts.... with me and just two kids... may not make sense.... I HATE giving up but it may be for the best.

I was going to tour with it with the family... I really like back in the day doing raft trips, bike trips(ragbri), it would make a great base for remodel projects or new construction builds if I needed a place to store my stuff in and live in temporily. I could use it to move my things to Boston... etc.... plus it makes me smile.

I am questioning whether to trust my gut. Up until tonight my gut said honor the deal, get the bus, follow my dreams anyways. But I have been thinking a lot about how I push things. Maybe this bus is just another example and I should let it go. My kids don't want it ... but I see what is can be rather than what it is.... my gut is almost in a place of needing to take a back seat.

I think it would be fun but really need to question everything after this last butt kickin'

My kids have not seen this one but were a bit embarassed by Arty lookiing like a partridge family bus... this one will be nicer, hip but not so ... festive.

I tend to like things that make me think - my gut feels good but my brain.... says maybe it is time to let it go....

I REALLY like Sportsmobile vans but for the cost I can travel comfortably and come back to buy an affordable car to drive on a daily basis...

... I may not have mentioned that I have a VW euro van already...

A very good friend of mine said "Do whatever will bring the most joy to yourself and those you love. Peace!"

However.... those I love .... would love and enjoy the bus... I need to let go of that.... if it ever comes back... so be it.... check out the tan van in NM.... dings my dinger..... It may be time to let go of the bus for now.... and get something me and my kids sized... :-)

..... the hard part is my gut... really smiles with the bus.... I had a lot of hopes for it and those I love... sometimes..... things don't work out that way and my gut is not enough.... life lessons....

I woke up this morning and have been thinking about it a bit... I really like the bus and think it could be a blast.... what it needs.... is the "we"... it needs the mission or people to fill it... ANY THOUGHTS? :-)

‎.... if folks are curious what it would look like .... something not fany or coachy.... something more like this:

 ‎... I will but in what form... traveling alone.... in a bus this size... makes no sense.... if it is meant to be... it will come I said earlier... it needs a "we"..... not just me... to fill it.... dreams can be manifested and real... but they need others to last and be full. Just like I needed an empty 6 bedroom house like a hole in the head... I "need" this bus just the same.... but with folks and vision about how it will be used..... right on! I'm in. Peace :-)

....for instance if my dream were to go to Panama January 1 and meander back.... going with folks in a bus like this makes total sense. It would provide a base and shelter as we bike/hike/stroll or meander... but the group needs to materialize and plans need to be made. The fuel budget alone could cost on the order of $4000 to $8000 dollars... split 5-10 ways... cool ... it could be doable for a potientially life changing trip..... transportation- lodging...for as long as the group decides.... check!.... only problem is with one person paying it... ouch! "We" could go country to country doing both service work and enjoying the people and sights... . or if folks wanted to do service work here in SD or US somewhere... right on... transportation lodging... done.... but the bill and effort must be shared.... dreams in a vacuum are dead ended... just fantasies....but it takes money and time... finding people that want to do something like this may be a pipe dream but... that is one reason why I am tossing out there.... if it sticks ... great!... . action and effort matter.... I will buy it if I can land on a project that lights up not just me... but others up as well.... I am done pursuing my dream alone. If it is ego based and self based I need to let it drop. If others chime in... maybe it will pick up. I am interested in a trip this Winter to Central America and am pursuing it... I would love to have others get on board and have spoken to several friends and family about this..... not just gut check ... but reality check... would anybody else join... my sense it... no. I can hope that others will but they will not unless they see something in it for them...peace

‎... taking the VW by myself .... is less than... I could also fly down for the money and either walk/bike/bus back... solo that makes sense... this post is an attempt to see if folks step forward... I believe God/Universe give us what we need ... not necessarily what we want... this post is and honest attempt at listeing to what is out there... I need to shut up and listen for a while.... :-)

I do appreicate your taking the time, effort, and patience to post. Thank you.

‎... for other folks reading this I am open to what gets done... with whom.... and when..... geneeral desire is to travel and do some service work in Central America this Winter before I come back to Brookings and make a major transition. Maybe there are college folks/students or staff that only have time between December 21 and January 17 when school starts up.... okay...maybe peope graduating (like me) want to get their yayas out before buckling down... some others may just want a change.... IF SO.... what would a trip look like? I hopefully have my kids December 23 to January 2 give or take a couple of days..... what do you think?

What is in a name?

While thinking this Spring about names for the bus I was also thinking of things I wanted to bring into my life.  On my mind were my family, travel, helping others, fun, a comfortable pace, and peace. 
I liked the green color and was thinking about how the bus was not designed for high speeds but cities and a slower pace.  I thought of Costa Rica and the town of Tortuga along with the marine turtles found there.... There is a busline on the west coast and I had been looking at their buses and trips.  I thought it would be appropriate to name it something in Spanish.... maybe the peaceful turtle?  I looked up words for peaceful... pacifica came up, and I thought perfect not only peaceful, but beautiful, and powerful too.  :-)

tortuga 1.(noun) tortoise, turtle

pacifica 1.(adjective) Pacific, peaceful, desirous of peace; tranquil, undisturbed; mild, gentle.

Green bus in the brambles....

Green bus in the brambles...

In an attempt to not give up on the dream of driving with the kids and exploring the US and Central America, I spoke to the owner of the shop I took Arty to and asked his advice.  After much wrangling and diagnostics it was determined that Arty could not be brought back without much work and money into a frame that was worth it.  I spoke to the owner of the shop and asked if he knew where I could get a mechancally sound and solid replacement.  Turns out they were an international dealer and had sold buses for years.  His brother had a bus that he would talk to me about.  

I was introduced to a green bus in the backyard among the weeds.  She had been sitting there for over 6 years.  The co-owner brother had saved this bus from a group of 7 they used to service from a company in Canada.  The company had spent $50K fixing the motors and transmissions on this bus.  All of the buses were sent up to Canada but did not pass some inspection or paperwork.  With only 40,000 miles on the rebuilt motor/trannies they were sent back to the US and sold off.  The green bus in the field was the best one and he kept it for himself to rennovate.  Unfortunately, his wife passed and the bus sat ever since.
I liked the bus immediately.  The chasis was stainless steel and the mechanicals were solid.  We dickered a bit and settled on $9000 to include a full front to back service and new tires.  The tires alone are worth about $1800 so I gave him $2000 down and said I would pay the rest off later when I sold my house.  I felt very good about the decsion and excited by the potential and had direct uses for it.  I wanted to use it to move my things back to  South Dakota.  The interior was huge and could hold my things from my property in Washington and my apartment in Brookings. 

The hope was that if my ex and I fixed things up, cool we had a bigger, safer, and better bus to build upon.  The shell was all there and as I said before the mechanicals were good.  If things did not work out I could fix it up for myself or use it to move my things to Boston where my kids now reside.

Not only was the bus in the brambles but so was my life.  My company logo and name include brambles as a reminder of what can be created out of the briar.  Oddly enough the color green (my favorite), the ease of finding it, and the brambles were all good signs for me to move forward.  It felt right and appropriate. 

Love Child ...Artemus Bus


I live in Brookings South Dakota and have a thing about busses... I wrote a long(ish) post telling of the back ground of meeting Tortuga Pacifica. 

I went back review is.... and a big part got deleted....?  '

Any way, all things happen for a reason.  Here are some pics.  If you want to hear more... send me a note or comment.  :-)

In the not to distant past my family and I had a lot of fun in a bus named Artemus. Unfortunately Arty died this spring after making the drive to the PNW. I think he wanted to stay. Here is a picture of Arty in of all places Bliss Idaho:

Artemus in Lehmi

A sad grey day indeed: 2/3/10 RIP Artemus  :-(